Batch Rpg Game Codes

Posted : admin On 03.01.2020
  1. Batch Rpg Game Code
Batch rpg game script

14 Methods: You may have ever wanted to make a game, or at least know how. Text based worlds, large games with all words and ASCII art for pictures were the first games ever, then came the harder to make Massively Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). These games are single player, programmed in batch script. Note: Batch script is from 1991 and is extremely limited. If you wish to use another language such as CMD, 3DBlitz or Java, please use another article.

It is also required that you know batch, or you can try to learn it from the programming part. ALSO: Try reading the other batch article “How to Make a Simple Computer Game With Batch Script”. Have a design. Think, what type of text based world is this going to be? A fantasy one, a sci-fi one, a horror one, a simulation one, another type? This tutorial is focused on a fantasy type, but its easy just to change it around a little.

Think really hard about things like how many monsters, skills, races, classes, professions, items, areas, shops, npcs and other things like that. A single monster can take up to a day to make with a 10 skill game, an incredibly fast typist and a good programmer, then that doesn't count the debugging and everything.

Batch Rpg Game Code

Also, make sure that you have the ASCII art or an ASCII artist, the right music for it, a flute and the knowledge to play it, or a medieval band in your backyard, and also, make sure that people will like your games. Another major thing that you have to remember is that this is a text based world, so you should make it so that they can move north, south, east and west, and can pick things up, fight with them, sell them, buy things, gain new abilities, advance and things like that. This is just like the Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) games of the 1990’s. First, make your templates, for items, weapons, monsters, npcs, shops and things like that (a template is like the programming, then you fill it out). (This is a command line language, so when you press enter it makes a new line on the screen too). Note: if you are already a programmer in batch script, and know the @echo off,:, ping localhost, if%input% and echo commands then you can go ahead and skip to the next note. If you do not know all of those commands try to learn them from every batch article on Wikihow (ping localhost may not be on here, but it is for testing the connection of the network.

It should only be used once, that’s on the loading screen.).:LOAD. @echo off. echo. This is the loading screen.

Type in PLAY and press ENTER to go to the main screen. If any problem occurs with this, please try an errorlevel program, or check for anything wrong with your computer (wireless connection effects this). ping localhost. set /p input=COMMAND?. if%input%PLAY goto:MAIN. You may look at this and be confused. Just copy and paste it, or edit if you want to.

It's just a loading screen.

How to make a BATCH FILE DRAGON GAME I HAVE AN UPDATED VERSION ON THIS GAME:. Press Start. Type in notepad. In notepad Copy and Paste the code below:. In the top right of notepad click File. Then click Save As. IMPORTANT: Name the file DragonKill.bat.

Then Click the drop down menu below that says Text Document. Change it to All Files.

Click save. Then go to your windows explorer (the file folder icon) then open up the game!. ENJOY =) @echo off:menu color 0a cls echo DRAGON KILL echo Choose the number: echo 1. Start game echo 2. Exit set /p menu= if '%menu%'1' ( goto sets ) if '%menu%'2' ( exit )else goto menu:sets cls set /a money=1000 set /a health=1000 set /a potions=0 set /a damage=2 set /a dd=5 set /a dh=25 set /a moneygain=50 set /a levels=0 set /a new=%dh%+5:start cls echo Money:%money% echo Health:%health% echo Number of healing potions:%potions% echo Choose the number: echo 1. Venture onward to the dragon echo 2. Go to Store echo 3.

Go to Title screen echo 4. Drink heal potion set /p choose= if '%choose%'1' ( cls echo DO NOT HOLD THE ENTER KEY pause goto fight ) if '%choose%'2' ( goto store ) if '%choose%'3' ( goto menu ) if '%choose%'4' ( goto nextx )else goto start:fight cls echo Health:%health% echo Dragon's Health:%new% echo You have encountered a dragon pause cls echo Press enter to hit the dragon set /p hit= set /a new=%new%-%damage% if%new% LSS 1 ( goto defeat ) cls echo Health:%health% echo Dragon's Health:%new% echo You have hit the dragon echo The dragon lost%damage% health pause cls echo The dragon has hit you!

Set /a health=%health%-%dd% if%health% LSS 1 ( goto defeated ) pause cls goto fight:defeat cls set /a dh=%dh%+20 set /a new=%dh% set /a money=%money%+15 set /a levels=%levels%+1 echo You defeated the dragon and earned $15. Echo Congratz pause goto start:defeated cls echo Sorry You died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Echo RIP echo You have killed%levels% dragon pause goto menu:store cls echo Money:%money% echo Welcome to the store!


Echo Choose: echo 1.Sword Upgrade$700 echo 2.Heal Potion$30 echo 3.Leave Store set /p again= if%again%1 ( goto buysword ) if%again%2 ( goto buyheal ) if%again%3 ( goto start )else goto store:buysword cls set /a money=%money%-700 if%money% LSS 0 ( echo You cant buy that! Set /a money=%money%+700 pause goto store )else ( set /a damage=%damage%+4 echo You have upgraded your sword pause goto store ):buyheal cls set /a money=%money%-30 if%money% LSS 0 ( echo You cant buy that! Set /a money=%money%+30 pause goto store )else ( set /a potions=%potions%+1 echo You have bought one heal potion pause goto store ):nextx cls if%potions%0 ( echo Sorry. You dont have any potions. Pause goto start )else ( set /a health=%health%+15 set /a potions=%potions%-1 echo You have used one potion pause goto start ).

I have made an updated version, where you are allowed to hold the enter key: @echo off:menu color 0a cls echo DRAGON KILL echo Choose the number: echo 1. Start game echo 2. Exit echo Made by CodeSmartz and Iboom5245 set /p menu= if '%menu%'1' ( goto sets ) if '%menu%'2' ( exit )else goto menu:sets cls set /a money=1000 set /a health=1000 set /a potions=0 set /a damage=2 set /a dd=5 set /a dh=25 set /a moneygain=50 set /a levels=0 set /a new=%dh%+5:start cls echo Money:%money% echo Health:%health% echo Number of healing potions:%potions% echo Choose the number: echo 1. Venture onward to the dragon echo 2. Go to Store echo 3. Go to Title screen echo 4. Drink heal potion set /p choose= if '%choose%'1' ( goto fight ) if '%choose%'2' ( goto store ) if '%choose%'3' ( goto menu ) if '%choose%'4' ( goto nextx )else goto start:fight cls echo Health:%health% echo Dragon's Health:%new% echo You have encountered a dragon pause cls echo Press enter to hit the dragon set /p hit= set /a new=%new%-%damage% if%new% LSS 1 ( goto defeat ) cls echo Health:%health% echo Dragon's Health:%new% echo You have hit the dragon echo The dragon lost%damage% health pause cls echo The dragon has hit you!

Set /a health=%health%-%dd% if%health% LSS 1 ( goto defeated ) pause cls goto fight:defeat cls set /a dh=%dh%+20 set /a new=%dh% set /a money=%money%+50 set /a levels=%levels%+1 echo You defeated the dragon and earned $50. Echo Congratz ping localhost -n 5 nul pause goto start:defeated cls echo Sorry You died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Echo RIP echo You have killed%levels% dragons ping localhost -n 5 nul pause goto menu:store cls echo Money:%money% echo Welcome to the store! Echo Choose: echo 1.Sword Upgrade$700 echo 2.Heal Potion$30 echo 3.Leave Store set /p again= if%again%1 ( goto buysword ) if%again%2 ( goto buyheal ) if%again%3 ( goto start )else goto store:buysword cls set /a money=%money%-700 if%money% LSS 0 ( echo You cant buy that! Set /a money=%money%+700 pause goto store )else ( set /a damage=%damage%+4 echo You have upgraded your sword pause goto store ):buyheal cls set /a money=%money%-30 if%money% LSS 0 ( echo You cant buy that! Set /a money=%money%+30 pause goto store )else ( set /a potions=%potions%+1 echo You have bought one heal potion pause goto store ):nextx cls if%potions%0 ( echo Sorry.

You dont have any potions. Pause goto start )else ( set /a health=%health%+15 set /a potions=%potions%-1 echo You have used one potion pause goto start ).